Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp is a common requirement in all walks of life. Weather you own a Hotel, a Restaurant or even have a problem in your home. Pest Fumigation’s can help with all manor of problems you may be facing. Pestech Pest Control here in Dysseldorp have your solution. We have tailor made Fumigation’s for all walks of life.
Although Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp sounds simple, in the world of a Pest Controller it means an entirely different thing. When clients call up and ask for Fumigation’s for Mice or Cockroaches, its not classed as a Fumigation. When it comes to common household Pests we use a precise and calculated method of Extermination. These include Gels, Traps and Baits. A targeted approach is almost always carried out by our Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp teams.
What is a Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp?
There are many different types of Pest Fumigation’s. Here in Dysseldorp, the most common Pest Fumigation treatments are for Stored Product Insects such as Weevils, Granary Mites or Meal Moths. Fumigation gasses can also be used for all wood destroying organisms as well. When it comes to fumigating anything its important that clients are made aware of the dangers involved. Fumigation gasses as volatile and can easily escape into an unwanted area.
In the world of a Pestech Pest Controller, Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp is carried out as a deep penetrating treatment for commodities, soil, wood or feeds that are commonly infested by Insects and a deep Penetrating treatment is requited for guaranteed results. In many instances the use of fumigants may be the only way out.
In Dysseldorp, factories such as those that produce dog and cat food, processing plants for grains or even dried fruits are often in need of Pest Fumigation. Some fumigants used can sterilize seeds of fruits, kill fungal spores and leave no trace of the chemical behind.
Pestech Pest Control is based in Dysseldorp and has your answer to your Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp needs. Here are some of the main fumigants used on a regular basis.
Methyl Bromide is often used for Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp

Methyl Bromide gas is a common and deadly gas used as an effective way to sterilize wood, feed, soil or dried foods. Its short exposure time of 24 hours combined with the fact it leaves no residual makes it an ideal candidate for majority of Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp.
Methyl Bromide gas can penetrate deeply through wood or even cement making is an excellent choice. Its only negative side is its price and availability as well as its ability to escape a sealed environment is given half a chance. This deadly gas has been used successfully for year and will continue to work for us in years to come.
Aluminum Phosphate Gas for Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp

A common and readily available gas that’s used for Stored Product Pest Fumigation. Its long exposure time of 48 hours minimum makes it less favorable than Methyl Bromide. As it doesn’t completely sterilize fruit seeds like its counterpart it more often used to kill fungus and bacteria on fruit and nuts.
Phostoxin is cheap and readily available in hardware shops all over the Garden Route Phostoxin can also used for Moles this gas is highly volatile and more deadly that one would think given its availability.
Although this product is available on the amateur Pest Control market, its highly advised to consult with a professional before using this potentially deadly gas.
Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp is the last option to explore.
As the Pest Control Experts here in Dysseldorp, Pestech Pest Control only likes to use dangerous Fumigants as a last resort or where no other option is available. There are many other products available on the professional Pest Extermination market that are more effective and safer. Many of these products yield long term results as apposed to fumigants.
Pestech Pest Control uses a modern and tailored approach to Pest Management. Using less harmful, safe and odorless pesticides we pride our-self on quality and safe workmanship.
If you reside within Dysseldorp or the Garden Route and suspect you may need Pest Fumigation Dysseldorp experts, please give us a call for a free quotation. The staff here at Pestech Pest Control are full of industry knowledge, hints and tips on Pest prevention and management and are willing to help.